Monday, September 6, 2010

Presto! Pesto.

The colonoscopy on Thursday went, in the end, all right; consequently, I could get about the business of refilling my emptied tummy. Ah, but what to eat? Hmmm. Among the things I water each day are a couple of pots of spices. Among those spices is the fine looking basil plant pictured to the left. I consulted Chef Di, who informed me that basil was a key ingredient in pesto sauce, which, when applied to pasta, makes a right fine meal.
So, we snipped some leaves, which I chopped up. A quick trip to BI-LO netted some pine-nuts and a wedge of Parmesan cheese. Press some garlic cloves and add olive oil and, Presto: pesto.
We're not big bread eaters out on 590 Otis Road (well, Lady Di isn't...), but, as a treat, we figured we deserved some homemade French bread. We aren't poor, but we kneaded the dough anyway.
Toss it in the rarely-used bread maker, roll it down with the rarely-used rolling pin, then pop it in the oven, and... Now that's some fine French bread right there!
Mix the pesto in with some angel hair pasta, serve it with a glass of wine and a nice salad, and you've got a sixty dollar meal on the cheap. Yum.


Anonymous said...

Oh my word! The description was wonderful---then the pictures put it over the top! Since I'm not as talented as you and the Lady Di, I see a trip to Olive Garden soon! :) fdb

superdave524 said...

Thanks, Frandy (and it was every bit as good as it looked!).

Star said...

YUMMMY! There's nothing like a homemade meal, especially a delicious one that costs less than going out.

Glad everything came out OK on Thursday ;)

superdave524 said...

Thanks, Star.