Thursday, February 19, 2009

Dr. Doolittle.

Daughter Caroline has had many pets over the years. Rat Reepacheep hangs with more traditional pet, Belle, in Caroline's room. Once upon a time, Caroline contemplated becoming a veterinarian. She's always loved animals. In Ridgeland, she used to find wounded animals and try to nurse them back to health. She found baby birds, mostly, but one time brought in a little bitty fruit bat. Creepy. Most of her patients didn't make it, but her heart was in the right place.


Star said...

Rat Reepacheep...cute :)

A friend of mine named her cat: "Dog" pronounced "Dee-O-Gee." Clever.

superdave524 said...

A buddy of mine named Curt Curtis named his dog "dog-dog", his cat "cat-cat" and his boat- you guessed it- "boat-boat".

superdave524 said...

(and for you non-Narnia fans, Reepacheep is the name of the fighting mouse in a couple of those books/movies).

Mr. Matt said...

And Sherri Jameson had a cat, Sweet Baby Precious. Er, I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. Yep.

superdave524 said...

I remember SBP. That cat would run if you even spelled b-a-t-h. Stupid cat.

Mr. Matt said...

Didn't that cat get banged in the driveway? Oh, wait, I'm thinking about something else.

superdave524 said...

Er, yeah. Wrong cat.

Mr. Matt said...

I meant banged up, didn't that cat get banged up in the driveway.

superdave524 said...

Wrong driveway.