Monday, October 4, 2010

I Never Sausage a Thing.

Lady Di could make shoe leather taste good, I'd bet. We had a smoked sausage begging to be eaten. This is less healthy than her normal fare, but, you know, I like sausage. Regular cabbage is pretty standard, but Diane wasn't feeling it. How to dress it up? Hmmm. How 'bout an onion and some bok choy? Saute it in some olive oil and a little pepper. Now that's the ticket!


Anonymous said...

Aren't you a lucky man!!!? That makes me want to go out and buy cabbage, etc... right now. fdb

superdave524 said...

I am lucky, Frandy. You fed me for years, so my standards are pretty high.

Mr. Matt said...

Dave, for food you have no standards. Yes, you like the good grub, and Frandy's was great, but you survived just fine on mom and Gina's fare. Great ladies both, but chef's, not hardly! Just saying

superdave524 said...

Too true, Ange.