Friday, October 29, 2010

Here's Your Sign, Again.

"Woe unto you wicked generation that seeks after a sign" is, I think, a little severe. I seek stupid signs all the time. Over the past few weeks, I found more than a few. Here's a sampling:

I saw this one outside a store. You've heard of stores, right? It's where they try to sell stuff. This one apparently must not sell much, because they're crowing about one sale. Imagine the pressure on that poor clerk if the customer backs out!

Hey, how'd these folks know I was speeding? Okay, I'll slow down. Is 40 m.p.h. too fast for a parking garage?

Let's see. A beer exchange and you don't have a bathroom? What are you exchanging it with?

If I'm hunting for wading fountains, I'm not sure that I like that rules four and five are merely advisory.


Anonymous said...

Please tell me where to find this fountain. By the time I read through all of the "thou shalt nots", I was throughly dissuaded from wading in that water at all!!! fdb

superdave524 said...

The fountain is at a park in Charleston. The park and fountain are actually pretty nice, though the sign is not.

Mr. Matt said...

Sign say, "Long Hair Freaky Types Need Not Apply!"

I did get the job. I trust the man!

superdave524 said...

Got to love a Five Man Electric Band reference.

Star said...

You know, the reason they made that fountain sign is because it's all been done in the fountain...though I have a feeling they failed to post a few other forbidden acts that were committed while wading.

superdave524 said...

All been done? Got to love a Black Water reference.