Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas, Baby.

Merry Christmas to everyone. Diane and I'll be at Midnight Mass in a bit. I hope that you find peace and contentment in your own way, and a little momentum going into the new year. Maybe Bruce can help:


Star said...

Merry Christmas Superdave! I hope Santa brought you something good!

superdave524 said...

He did, indeed, Star. Nice clothes, and treats from my Baby. Looks like you got an influx of ultra-runners. Nes Pas?

QuakerJono said...

Merry whatchamajigger.

COL said...

cute, merry christmas!

superdave524 said...

Back atcha, QJ. Long time, no see.

Thanks, Col.

Hope both your Christmases are going wonderfully.