Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Prodigal Son Returns.

Oldest son, his fiance, and their dog, just returned to the Palmetto State from South Korea (they may not forgive me- well, the dog (in the yellow tote) will- for using this photo of the quite road-weary warriors at left). Davis had been gone for more than two years. It's great to see him. His sibs are happy to see him, too, but it's not difficult to pick up a subtle "what's the big deal?" vibe. Reminds me of a story: In the parable of the Prodigal Son , Jesus relates the story of an irresponsible kid who cashed out his inheritance, and went abroad,  leaving his brother to continue to tend to the family business. After wasting all the money on wild living, he found himself starving, and he returned  home. He expected to be rejected by his pop, but his dad was just glad to see him. No lectures; just a big celebration. Prodigal's brother was not pleased. He'd been responsible, hadn't he? Dad didn't throw him any party. He'd been working his tail off, and he railed about how unfair it all was. Pop tells him he appreciated all the good son did, but not to be so hard on his brother: he was lost, but now he's back home. The parable is widely cited as a tale of redemption and forgiveness of the wayward child, and of God's unexpected and unearned mercy toward each of us. We're all that child from time to time... but we're also the good son sometimes, aren't we? We can be jealous of unexpected, and unearned, mercy given to others. So, cheer for the Prodigal Son, but pray for his brother, too!


Anonymous said...

OK...I said I missed your blogs, and got a good one. So happy for everyone that Davis and Fiance are here after two years. Parents tend to kill the fatted calf for ANY child gone for 2 years!! Enjoy!! fdb

superdave524 said...

Thanks, Frandy. Two years is a long time, and it is good to have my boy back. Now I'll be able to not see him a lot closer to home!

COL said...

dave, so glad your son is home. wishing you, lady di and your lads and daughter a wonderful thanksgiving and holiday season!

superdave524 said...

Thanks, Col. Happy Belated Thanksgiving to you, too.