Friday, June 24, 2011

Out to Lunch.

I was briefly- very briefly- in Marine Officer Candidates School. Attention to detail, they hollered, could be the difference between life and death. Fortunately, daily life rarely offers such dire consequences for inattention.

Lady Di just spoke in Charleston to a national gathering of Health Administration professors.

Looks like a fair amount of work went into her name tag (and the "It's all about ME" is pretty funny). Sadly, they got her name and degree wrong: The name was accurate a year ago, but not currently, and her degree is a Master of Science, not of Arts (though I think she got an upgrade, she strongly disagrees).

Here's a lovely sentiment, beautifully painted, but... Well, all things are possible on a painted license tag, except spell-check.


Anonymous said...

Re: name---I like the addition of "Mathews"! :) fdb

superdave524 said...

Thanks, Frandy. Me, too.

COL said...

wait, what's wrong with the out to lunch sign?

superdave524 said...

Nothing, Col. I just liked it. I also noticed at least one grammar error in my own effort. Ah, well.