Friday, November 19, 2010

Teen Girl Squad.

Among the more bizarre fads to which oldest son Davis introduced me was Teen Girl Squad. You can click on the link if you want, but I won't try to explain it. As my Pop used to say, "if I have to explain it, it isn't funny" (Dad had many ways to brush me off. Sending me to the dictionary to look up things like sesquipedalian was one that stuck with me. I ended up learning lots of useless words from Dad's irritation). Anyway, it's been a couple of years since I gave TGS any thought, and it was kinda cool to see the bumpersticker at left.


jd bryan said...

Your dad would have to explain that one. Or someone.

Anonymous said...

You KNOW I HAD to look up "sesquipedlian'. My knowledge coming from sesquicentenial. I'm thinking something with 150 feet (ped).....WRONG!!! sesqui means 1 1/2. (Of course you already know that David.) Definition: having many syllables. :) fdb

Star said...

I can't even pronounce sesquipedlian.

Mr. Matt said...

Star, dad knew I'd knever be able to spell it, so he told me it meant "foot long word." Ok, close enough, besides no one has ever called me on it!

superdave524 said...

J.D., I think most of us try to undo the damage we perceived that our parents inflicted upon us (just ask my kids!)

Frandy, when I looked it up in 1969 or so, the dictionary I had available said "foot long word". Technically, multi-syllabic fits the bill (even if I (and my source) was off 6 inches or so).

Sure you can, Star, it's just like it's spelled!

Ange, only Frandy would ever check!