Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Have you ever seen a dragon fly?

I saw this tough guy the other day. I used to see tons of 'em when I was growing up in Tampa. Mostly, I'd see them when I was at football practice. Sometimes I'd chase them during practice. This can't have made my coaches happy. I wasn't a bad football player, but focus was never my strong suit.


Anonymous said...

They are abundant at the farm. There is a wire to the elec. fence that stretches a 50 foot span---I have seen them cover it...wing tip to wing tip. (at least you weren't chasing butterflies.) :) fdb

Anonymous said...

The Dragonfly means different things to different cultures and people, but those meanings are all very positive. I found this with a quick search, very cool!

Anonymous said...

Order odonata

Star said...

Those dragonflies are pretty cool, until they get caught in your bike helmet vents and buzz around for a few miles!

superdave524 said...

Sounds like a drag, Star.