Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Where's Waldo.

The fine folks from the Area Health Education Centers were not the only folks to invade San Antonio: the Texas State Coaches Association was also very much in evidence. It was not particularly difficult to tell the coaches apart from the AHECers. AHEC folks are typically a gentle people, with understated clothing, practical eyeglasses, and generally bareheaded. The coaches? Well, the following picture has two AHEC conventioneers (I'll give you a hint: Lady Di is one of them), and two coaches. Ready? Begin!
Look closely, now. No, the guy in the chair is unaffiliated. Here, I'll pare it down a bit...
Okay, look to the left. See the guy with the ponytail, seated with his laptop? No, he's not a coach. That'd be the two beefy guys to the right.
More coaches outside of the Italian Restaurant. Hooters was obviously full.


Anonymous said...

The blue coaches shirts could be a dead-give-away! Just sayin'........unless that was only one school doing that. :) fdb

Unknown said...

They generally traveled in packs, Frandy. Those guys had khakis, but mostly they were in shorts and team shirts. There were blue shirts, red shirts, white, gold and green shirts, and lots, and lots of sunglasses sitting on the bills of baseball caps! Gotta say, it's one of the few times when I'd admit that the majority of the guys there coulda whipped me (but not very many of the AHEC folks).