Monday, August 20, 2012

Putting on his Big Boy Pants.

Remember the Big Boy? Frisch's or Shoney's Big Boy was big when I was little. Shoney's diners are still very much in evidence, but I hadn't seen the Big Boy in years... until I visited Michigan recently. My not-so-little boy, Tyler is doing exactly what I did back in the day: messin' with the Big Boy. Ah, youth. Another benefit of youth is being able to eat a really big hamburger.
Shoot, with lots of bacon, two fried eggs, and chili, I'm not sure this burger isn't actually bigger than the one the Big Boy's brandishing!


Anonymous said...

Only the young who are going to exert a LOT of energy should eat that burger!!!!!
While living in Knoxville, our family's Sun. treat was going to Shoneys for Strawberry Pie! There is none like anywhere! fdb

Anonymous said...

Insert the word, "it" between "like" and "anywhere". LOL

superdave524 said...

Tyler is equal to the task, Frandy: the lad never slows down (except on weekends, when all he does is sleep). And, yes, Shoney's strawberry pie is good eating!