Thursday, February 23, 2012


Freedom's a tricky thing. William the Bruce died rather than let Englang and its local lackeys tell him and his fellow Scots what to do (A lot of my ancestors trace their lines back to Scotland. A cantankerous lot, the Scots. Their National motto? No-one_Attacks_Me_With_Impunity). So did a lot of American Colonists. So, no one would willingly give up freedom, right?

...Wrong! way back in Biblical times, the Israelites begged Samuel to give_them_a_king, to fight their battles,and so they could be cool like other peoples. Samuel told them they were giving up a ton of freedom, but they got their way in the end.

Personal freedom is trickier still. 1960's guitar wizard Jimi Hendrix begged for freedom, and died exercising it in the form of a drug overdose.

We get more freedom over our money with decreased payroll deductions... but we lose that freedom in a hurry if we come up short on April 15!

So, what's the answer? Well, now, that's a personal choice, idnit? In the interim, here are some songs of freedom:


Anonymous said...

The tricky thing is that along with freedoms come responsibilities. Some folks don't like that....I do. :) fdb

superdave524 said...

True, dat.

COL said...

i dunno about freedom but i could def do without this guy!

superdave524 said...

Junior improves on John, Paul, George and Ringo. Love it, Col!