Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Giant Lobster Attacks the Boro!

I wiped the sleep out of my eyes this morning, put on my flip-flops and ambled across the drive-way to pick up the newspaper, when I saw this little guy trudging toward the hedges. The mudbug (we'll call him Manny. Manny the Mudbug), or Connie Crayfish, if you'd prefer, seemed a little far from home, but I suppose he'd be comfortable enough in the pond two hundred-fifty feet or so to the back of the lot. Maybe that's what he had in mind. Here he is in action:


Star said...

That's one tiny critter! We saw little fiddler crabs on Sunday evening skittering around the mangroves.

superdave524 said...

Fiddler crabs rock! They also look like little bugs. Neither crustacean- unless they're in bunches- makes much of a meal.

Anonymous said...

I have eaten crawfish, and found them to be mighty tasty....I would truly like to hear from someone who has eaten Fiddler crabs!!! :) fdb

superdave524 said...

If they ate 'em in New York, they'd be called "violin crabs"...