Monday, October 20, 2008


Just say no to Peggle. The Lads were dealing some video addiction last week. They generally bogart the computer when they're not at school or football practice, so I sneak what time I can. Once in awhile I'll look over their shoulder to check out the various monsters they've killed on World of Warcraft, or just let them know I'm about to keep them from travelling too far out into cyberspace. "Here, Dad. Play this. It's fun", they tell me as they hand over the mouse to play a round of Peggle. They might have added, "The first hit's free". Hey, I can quit any time I want.


John in IL said...

I want that hour and a half back. Like I don't spend enough time on the intertubes as it is...

superdave524 said...

You're a funny guy, John (and I do wonder how Sen. Stevens is doing...).

Star said...

Reminds me of when Armando and I brought home "Baldur's Gate." We stayed up all night playing...when we finally went to bed, I dreamed of being an elfin sorceress wandering through Faerûn. Cool.

John in IL said...

Two more hours...

superdave524 said...

It really is addictive stuff. Star, I can tell that you didn't actually hit the link to Peggle. Baldur may have stolen some time, but not for awhile...

John in IL said...

How do you do it with three balls?

superdave524 said...

A question I get all the time, John. Actually, I haven't passed that particular challenge. Twin Taylor says you just have to keep hitting the pink pegs and rack up enough points for extra balls. Tough, through.